Samberkat Maine Coons


  Welcome to Samberkat Maine Coons!  

By signing the new owner contract (click link below), new kitten parents agree to keep these precious additions to their family inside at all times—outside is strictly prohibited! Also, declawing is not allowed. We feel that these stipulations are in the best interest of the cat’s health and happiness. We insist that the kitten’s new home have at least one cat tree with sisal rope. This is for the owner’s peace of mind as well as the cat’s contentment—these guys love to climb and are trained from an early age to use the sisal rope for scratching (rather than the furniture!).

Our kitties are our passion...we strive for the perfect Maine Coon companion. Health is our #1 concern as well as friendly & outgoing. In keeping with that, each kitten placed in their new home is vaccinated and health checked by our veterinarian, Dr. Ray Wright at Lithonia Animal Hospital. We guarantee each kitten is parasite-free, FELV/FIV negative, and have all necessary vaccinations for their age. We take the health of our kittens very seriously!

We hope you will see why we love Maine Coon cats so much and find the Maine Coon breed as fascinating and fun as we do!

Samberkat is recognized as a Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) Cattery of Excellence, a member of CFA's Maine Coon Breed Council (MCBC), and a Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association (MCBFA) Breeder Member. For more information on these organizations, click on the links below or visit "Associations" under the "Links" menu.


CFA Cattery of Excellence


CFA Breed Council Member




© 2004-2025 Samberkat Maine Coons