Samberkat Maine Coons


  D i s t i n g u i s h e d    M e r i t   

The Distinguished Merit (DM) title is achieved by meeting either of the following criterion:

- The dam (mother) having produced five (5) CFA grand champion/premier (alter) or DM offspring

- The sire (father) having produced 15 CFA grandchampion/premier or DM offspring

In early 2008, Samberkat Cattery was proud to announce its first DM, CH Hissinghurst Katerina-Bit of Samberkat, DM!!

Katie's top 7 are, in order of precedence:

GC, GP Samberkat Madison's Mine
- Maddie is a Brown Patched Classic Tabby.

GP Samberkat Augusta National
- Augie is a Brown Classic Tabby w/White.

GP Samberkat Saint Andrew's
- Drew is a Brown Classic Tabby.

GP, RW Samberkat Summit Chayce
- Chayce is a Brown Classic Tabby w/White.

GC Samberkat Villa Olivia
- Olivia is a Brown Patched Classic Tabby w/White.

GP Samberkat Clannad
- Clannad is a Brown Classic Tabby w/White.

GP Samberkat Enya
- Enya is a Brown Patch Tabby.


(Click image to view gallery)

Name: CH Hissinghurst Katerina-Bit of Samberkat, DM
Dam: Hissinghurst Stella For Starr
Sire: GC Trills Gian Bernini of Hissinghurst
Born: January 8, 2004


  K a t i e ' s    G r a n d s  

Name: GP Samberkat Ava
Dam: CH Hissinghurst Katerina-Bit of Samberkat, DM
Sire: GC Mysticoon K's Cowboy of Irishcoons
Born: April 12, 2013
Granded: March 12, 2016


Name: GP Samberkat Enya
Dam: CH Hissinghurst Katerina-Bit of Samberkat, DM
Sire: GC Y1 Kats Cool Hand Luke of RiverCats
Born: January 19, 2007


Name: GP Samberkat Clannad
Dam: CH Hissinghurst Katerina-Bit of Samberkat, DM
Sire: GC Y1 Kats Cool Hand Luke of RiverCats
Born: January 19, 2007


Name: GC Samberkat Villa Olivia,
Dam: CH Hissinghurst Katerina-Bit of Samberkat, DM
Sire: GC Y1 Kats Cool Hand Luke of RiverCats
Born: January 19, 2007
Granded: October 2007
  - 2008 Best of Color Class Southern Region


Name: GP, RW Samberkat Summit Chayce
Dam: CH Hissinghurst Katerina-Bit of Samberkat, DM
Sire: GC Y1 Kats Cool Hand Luke of RiverCats
Born: January 19, 2007


Name: GP Samberkat Saint Andrew's
Dam: CH Hissinghurst Katerina-Bit of Samberkat, DM
Sire: CH Honeycoon Chuck T'Amato of Caromoon
Born: April 23, 2006


Name: GP Samberkat Augusta National
Dam: CH Hissinghurst Katerina-Bit of Samberkat, DM
Sire: CH Honeycoon Chuck T'Amato of Caromoon
Born: April 23, 2006


Name: GC Samberkat Madison's Mine
Dam: CH Hissinghurst Katerina-Bit of Samberkat, DM
Sire: CH Honeycoon Chuck T'Amato of Caromoon
Born: March 9, 2005


(Click image to view gallery)




© 2004-2025 Samberkat Maine Coons